Scala Native (curl) backend

A Scala Native (0.5.x) backend implemented using Curl.

To use, add the following dependency to your project:

"com.softwaremill.sttp.client4" %%% "core" % "4.0.0-M24"

and initialize one of the backends:

import sttp.client4.curl.*

val backend = CurlBackend()
val tryBackend = CurlTryBackend()

You need to have an environment with Scala Native setup with additionally installed libcrypto (included in OpenSSL) and curl in version 7.56.0 or newer.

scala-cli example

Try the following example:

// hello.scala

//> using platform native
//> using dep com.softwaremill.sttp.client4::core_native0.5:4.0.0-M24

import sttp.client4.*
import sttp.client4.curl.CurlBackend

@main def run(): Unit =
  val backend = CurlBackend()