zio-telemetry opentracing backend

To use, add the following dependency to your project:

"com.softwaremill.sttp.client" %% "zio-telemetry-opentracing-backend" % "2.1.0"

This backend depends on zio-opentracing.

The opentracing backend wraps a Task based ZIO backend and yields a backend of type SttpBackend[RIO[OpenTracing, *], Nothing, WS_HANDLER]. The yielded effects are of type RIO[OpenTracing, *] which mean they can be a child of a other span created in your ZIO program.

Here’s how you construct ZioTelemetryOpenTracingBackend. I would recommend wrapping this is in ZLayer

new ZioTelemetryOpenTracingBackend(zioBackend)

We already append tags like http.method, http.url and http.status_code

Additionally you can add tags per request by supplying a RequestTagCollector

val tagMethod: RequestTagCollector = new RequestTagCollector {
  def collect[T](request: Request[T, Nothing]): Map[String, String] = Map("method" -> request.method.method)

new ZioTelemetryOpenTracingBackend(zioBackend, tagMethod)