Proxy support

sttp library by default checks for your System proxy properties (docs):

Following settings are checked:

  1. socksProxyHost and socksProxyPort (default: 1080)

  2. http.proxyHost and http.proxyPort (default: 80)

  3. https.proxyHost and https.proxyPort (default: 443)

Settings are loaded in given order and the first existing value is being used.

Otherwise, proxy values can be specified manually when creating a backend:

import sttp.client4._

val backend = DefaultSyncBackend(
  options = BackendOptions.httpProxy("", 8080))

  .send(backend) // uses the proxy

Or in case your proxy requires authentication (supported by the JVM backends):

import sttp.client4._

BackendOptions.httpProxy("", 8080, "username", "password")

Ignoring and allowing specific hosts

There are two additional settings that can be provided to via BackendOptions:

  • nonProxyHosts: used to define hosts for which request SHOULD NOT be proxied

  • onlyProxyHosts: used to define hosts for which request SHOULD be proxied

If only nonProxyHosts is provided, then some hosts will be skipped when proxying. If only onlyProxyHosts is provided, then requests will be proxied only if host matches provided list. If both nonProxyHosts and onlyProxyHosts are provided, then nonProxyHosts takes precedence. Both of these options are Nil by default.


It is possible to use wildcard, but only as either prefix or suffix. E.g. onlyProxyHosts = List("localhost", "*.local", "127.*")