
Text data

In its simplest form, the request’s body can be set as a String. By default, this method will:

  • use the UTF-8 encoding to convert the string to a byte array

  • if not specified before, set Content-Type: text/plain

  • if not specified before, set Content-Length to the number of bytes in the array

A String body can be set on a request as follows:

import sttp.client3._
basicRequest.body("Hello, world!")

It is also possible to use a different character encoding:

import sttp.client3._
basicRequest.body("Hello, world!", "utf-8")

Binary data

To set a binary-data body, the following methods are available:

import sttp.client3._

val bytes: Array[Byte] = ???

import java.nio.ByteBuffer
val byteBuffer: ByteBuffer = ???

val inputStream: ByteArrayInputStream = ???

If not specified before, these methods will set the content type to application/octet-stream. When using a byte array, additionally the content length will be set to the length of the array (unless specified explicitly).


While the object defining a request is immutable, setting a mutable request body will make the whole request definition mutable as well. With InputStream, the request can be moreover sent only once, as input streams can be consumed once.

Uploading files

To upload a file, simply set the request body as a File or Path:

import sttp.client3._

basicRequest.body(new File("data.txt"))

import java.nio.file.Path

Note that on JavaScript only a Web/API/File is allowed.

As with binary body methods, the content type will default to application/octet-stream, and the content length will be set to the length of the file (unless specified explicitly).

See also multi-part and streaming support.

Form data

If you set the body as a Map[String, String] or Seq[(String, String)], it will be encoded as form-data (as if a web form with the given values was submitted). The content type will default to application/x-www-form-urlencoded; content length will also be set if not specified.

By default, the UTF-8 encoding is used, but can be also specified explicitly:

import sttp.client3._
basicRequest.body(Map("k1" -> "v1"))
basicRequest.body(Map("k1" -> "v1"), "utf-8")
basicRequest.body("k1" -> "v1", "k2" -> "v2")
basicRequest.body(Seq("k1" -> "v1", "k2" -> "v2"), "utf-8")

Custom body serializers

It is also possible to set custom types as request bodies, as long as there’s an implicit BodySerializer[B] value in scope, which is simply an alias for a function:

type BodySerializer[B] = B => BasicRequestBody

A BasicRequestBody is a wrapper for one of the supported request body types: a String/byte array or an input stream.

For example, here’s how to write a custom serializer for a case class, with serializer-specific default content type:

import sttp.client3._
import sttp.model.MediaType
case class Person(name: String, surname: String, age: Int)

// for this example, assuming names/surnames can't contain commas
implicit val personSerializer: BodySerializer[Person] = { p: Person =>
  val serialized = s"${},${p.surname},${p.age}"
  StringBody(serialized, "UTF-8", MediaType.TextCsv)

basicRequest.body(Person("mary", "smith", 67))   

See the implementations of the BasicRequestBody trait for more options.