JavaScript (Fetch) backend

A JavaScript backend with web socket support. Implemented using the Fetch API.


This is the default backend, available in the main jar for JS. To use, add the following dependency to your project:

"com.softwaremill.sttp.client3" %%% "core" % "3.3.0-RC2"

And create the backend instance:

val backend = FetchBackend()

Timeouts are handled via the new AbortController class. As this class only recently appeared in browsers you may need to add a polyfill.

As browsers do not allow access to redirect responses, if a request sets followRedirects to false then a redirect will cause the response to return an error.

Note that Fetch does not pass cookies by default. If your request needs cookies then you will need to pass a FetchOptions instance with credentials set to either RequestCredentials.same-origin or RequestCredentials.include depending on your requirements.


To use, add the following dependency to your project:

"com.softwaremill.sttp.client3" %%% "monix" % "3.3.0-RC2"

And create the backend instance:

val backend = FetchMonixBackend()


Any effect implementing the cats-effect Concurrent typeclass can be used. To use, add the following dependency to your project:

"com.softwaremill.sttp.client3" %%% "cats" % "3.3.0-RC2"

And create the backend instance:

val backend = FetchCatsBackend[IO]()


Using FetchBackend is possible with node-fetch module and ws with isomorphic-ws module for web sockets.

npm install --save node-fetch isomorphic-ws ws

It has to be loaded into your runtime. This can be done in your main method as such:

val g =

val nodeFetch = g.require("node-fetch")

g.fetch = nodeFetch
g.Headers = nodeFetch.Headers
g.Request = nodeFetch.Request
g.WebSocket = g.require("isomorphic-ws")


Streaming support is provided via FetchMonixBackend. Note that streaming support on Firefox is hidden behind a flag, see ReadableStream for more information.

To use, add the following dependency to your project:

"com.softwaremill.sttp.client3" %%% "monix" % "3.3.0-RC2"

An example of streaming a response:

import sttp.client3._
import sttp.client3.impl.monix._

import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import monix.eval.Task
import monix.reactive.Observable

val backend = FetchMonixBackend()

val response: Task[Response[Observable[ByteBuffer]]] =


Currently no browsers support passing a stream as the request body. As such, using the Fetch backend with a streaming request will result in it being converted into an in-memory array before being sent. Response bodies are returned as a “proper” stream.


The backend supports both regular and streaming websockets.

Server-sent events

Received data streams can be parsed to a stream of server-sent events (SSE), when using the Monix variant:

import monix.reactive.Observable
import monix.eval.Task

import sttp.capabilities.monix.MonixStreams
import sttp.client3.impl.monix.MonixServerSentEvents
import sttp.model.sse.ServerSentEvent
import sttp.client3._

def processEvents(source: Observable[ServerSentEvent]): Task[Unit] = ???

basicRequest.response(asStream(MonixStreams)(stream => 