Cookies sent in requests are key-value pairs contained in the Cookie
header. They can be set on a request in a couple of ways. The first is using the .cookie(name: String, value: String)
method. This will yield a new request definition which, when sent, will contain the given cookie.
Cookies are currently only available on the JVM.
Cookies can also be set using the following methods:
import sttp.client3._
import sttp.model.headers.CookieWithMeta
.cookie("k1", "v1")
.cookie("k2" -> "v2")
.cookies("k3" -> "v3", "k4" -> "v4")
.cookies(Seq(CookieWithMeta("k5", "k5"), CookieWithMeta("k6", "k6")))
Cookies from responses
It is often necessary to copy cookies from a response, e.g. after a login request is sent, and a successful response with the authentication cookie received. Having an object response: Response[_]
, cookies on a request can be copied:
import sttp.client3._
val backend = HttpClientSyncBackend()
val loginRequest = basicRequest
.cookie("login", "me")
.body("This is a test")
val response = loginRequest.send(backend)
Or, it’s also possible to store only the sttp.model.CookieWithMeta
objects (a sequence of which can be obtained from a response), and set the on the request:
import sttp.client3._
val backend = HttpClientSyncBackend()
val loginRequest = basicRequest
.cookie("login", "me")
.body("This is a test")
val response = loginRequest.send(backend)
val cookiesFromResponse = response.unsafeCookies