Text data
In its simplest form, the request’s body can be set as a String
. By default, this method will:
use the UTF-8 encoding to convert the string to a byte array
if not specified before, set
Content-Type: text/plain
if not specified before, set
to the number of bytes in the array
A String
body can be set on a request as follows:
import sttp.client3._
basicRequest.body("Hello, world!")
It is also possible to use a different character encoding:
import sttp.client3._
basicRequest.body("Hello, world!", "utf-8")
Binary data
To set a binary-data body, the following methods are available:
import sttp.client3._
val bytes: Array[Byte] = ???
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
val byteBuffer: ByteBuffer = ???
val inputStream: ByteArrayInputStream = ???
If not specified before, these methods will set the content type to application/octet-stream
. When using a byte array, additionally the content length will be set to the length of the array (unless specified explicitly).
While the object defining a request is immutable, setting a mutable request body will make the whole request definition mutable as well. With InputStream
, the request can be moreover sent only once, as input streams can be consumed once.
Uploading files
To upload a file, simply set the request body as a File
or Path
import sttp.client3._
basicRequest.body(new File("data.txt"))
import java.nio.file.Path
Note that on JavaScript only a Web/API/File
is allowed.
As with binary body methods, the content type will default to application/octet-stream
, and the content length will be set to the length of the file (unless specified explicitly).
See also multi-part and streaming support.
Form data
If you set the body as a Map[String, String]
or Seq[(String, String)]
, it will be encoded as form-data (as if a web form with the given values was submitted). The content type will default to application/x-www-form-urlencoded
; content length will also be set if not specified.
By default, the UTF-8
encoding is used, but can be also specified explicitly:
import sttp.client3._
basicRequest.body(Map("k1" -> "v1"))
basicRequest.body(Map("k1" -> "v1"), "utf-8")
basicRequest.body("k1" -> "v1", "k2" -> "v2")
basicRequest.body(Seq("k1" -> "v1", "k2" -> "v2"), "utf-8")
Custom body serializers
It is also possible to set custom types as request bodies, as long as there’s an implicit BodySerializer[B]
value in scope, which is simply an alias for a function:
type BodySerializer[B] = B => BasicRequestBody
A BasicRequestBody
is a wrapper for one of the supported request body types: a String
/byte array or an input stream.
For example, here’s how to write a custom serializer for a case class, with serializer-specific default content type:
import sttp.client3._
import sttp.model.MediaType
case class Person(name: String, surname: String, age: Int)
// for this example, assuming names/surnames can't contain commas
implicit val personSerializer: BodySerializer[Person] = { p: Person =>
val serialized = s"${},${p.surname},${p.age}"
StringBody(serialized, "UTF-8", MediaType.TextCsv)
basicRequest.body(Person("mary", "smith", 67))
See the implementations of the BasicRequestBody
trait for more options.