sttp-client request definitions can be automatically generated from openapi .yaml specifications using:

  1. the sttp-openapi-generator

  2. the scala-sttp code generator, included in the openapi-generator project

Using sttp-openapi-generator

See the project’s docs.

Using the openapi-generator

For scala-sttp’s generator’s configuration options refer to:

Standalone setup

This is the simplest setup which relies on calling openapi-generator manually and generating a complete sbt project from it.

First, you will need to install/download openapi-generator. Follow openapi-generator’s official documentation on how to do this.

Keep in mind that the scala-sttp generator is available only since v5.0.0-beta.

Next, call the generator with the following options:

openapi-generator-cli generate \
  -i petstore.yaml \
  --generator-name scala-sttp \
  -o samples/client/petstore/

Sbt managed

In this setup openapi-generator is plugged into sbt project through the sbt-openapi-generator plugin. Sttp requests and models are automatically generated upon compilation.

To have your openapi descriptions automatically turned into classes first define a new module in your project:

lazy val petstoreApi: Project = project
    openApiInputSpec := s"${baseDirectory.value.getPath}/petstore.yaml",
    openApiGeneratorName := "scala-sttp",
    openApiOutputDir :=,
    libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
      "com.softwaremill.sttp.client3" %% "core" % "3.10.2",
      "com.softwaremill.sttp.client3" %% "json4s" % "3.10.2",
      "org.json4s" %% "json4s-jackson" % "3.6.8"

As this will generate code into petstore-api/src you might want to add this folder to the .gitignore.

Since this plugin is still in a very early stage it requires some additional configuration.

First we need to connect generation with compilation. Add following line into petstore module settings:

    (compile in Compile) := ((compile in Compile) dependsOn openApiGenerate).value,

Now we have to attach our generated source code directory into cleaning process. Add following line into petstore module settings:

    cleanFiles += baseDirectory.value / "src"

Last but not least we need to tell openapi-generator not to generate whole project but only the source files (without the sbt build file): Add following line into petstore module settings:

    openApiIgnoreFileOverride := s"${}/openapi-ignore-file",

and create openapi-ignore-file file in project’s root directory with following content:


Final petstore module configuration:

lazy val petstoreApi: Project = project
    openApiInputSpec := s"${baseDirectory.value.getPath}/petstore.yaml",
    openApiGeneratorName := "scala-sttp",
    openApiOutputDir :=,
    openApiIgnoreFileOverride := s"${}/openapi-ignore-file",
    libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
      "com.softwaremill.sttp.client3" %% "core" % "3.10.2",
      "com.softwaremill.sttp.client3" %% "json4s" % "3.10.2",
      "org.json4s" %% "json4s-jackson" % "3.6.8"
    (compile in Compile) := ((compile in Compile) dependsOn openApiGenerate).value,
    cleanFiles += baseDirectory.value / "src"

Full demo project is available on github.

Additional notes

Although recent versions of the IntelliJ IDEA IDE come with “OpenApi Specification” plugin bundled into it, this plugin doesn’t seem to support latest versions of generator and so, it is impossible to generate sttp bindings from it.